Low Carb Italian Stallion (GF)
calories | Macros
Housemade Italian breakfast sausage scrambled with whole eggs, egg whites, mushrooms, onions & spinach. Dash of mozzarella cheese.
- Low Carb
Housemade Italian breakfast sausage scrambled with whole eggs, egg whites, mushrooms, onions & spinach. Dash of mozzarella cheese.
- Low Carb
Low Carb Italian Stallion (GF)
Housemade Italian breakfast sausage scrambled with whole eggs, egg whites, mushrooms, onions & spinach. Dash of mozzarella cheese.
- Low Carb
Housemade Italian breakfast sausage scrambled with whole eggs, egg whites, mushrooms, onions & spinach. Dash of mozzarella cheese.
- Low Carb